You scored:
In the next 5-10 minutes, you’re going to be recieving my special report “9 Powerful Hacks To Strengthen Your Connection With a German Shepherd”.
But before you dive into it, please take a minute to read this crucial guide about your German Shepherd…
Dear German Shepherd Mom/Dad,
Does any of the following sound familiar to you?
Beause if you’re experiencing any of these problems at the moment…
You’re not alone.
How do I know? Well, I was in the same situation as you.
It’s funny for me now, but I once thought I would never eliminate my German Shepherd’s misbehavior no matter how much I tried.
No matter what training technique I tried…
Whether it’s teaching basic commands like sit, stay, come, and heel…
Rewarding my GSD with praise, treats, and affection…
Or even leash training him around my neighborhood…
It always felt like there is something missing,
It always felt like I was one step away from finaly figuring it out.
That was until I discovered the power of “brain triggers”. It’s what led me directly to the root cause of my dogs’ misbehavior.
And I don’t want to sound overly dramatic…
But that’s when my relationship with dogs changed forever.
And I know… This may sound too good to be true…
Because when I first heard about brain triggers, I didn’t believe it either.
That is until I saw them work their magic in front of my own eyes.
So I know you might be skeptical, but if you stay with me for the next couple of minutes, I’m going to reveal to you how I learned about brain triggers how you can use them to:
But first, let me introduce myself…
My name is Zara.
And in the next few minutes, I’ll show you an incredible way to turn any German Shepherd into an obedient and well-behaving “Good Boy/Girl”…
Just by a special set of “brain triggers” that will command instant respect and compliance in your dog’s mind.
These exact same techniques have helped hundreds upon hundreds of my private clients turn their German Shepherds into the most loyal, protecting, loving, and trustworthy family members…
And all in a matter of just a few short weeks!
But before I explain, let me first tell you about me.
And while my story might be a little embarrassing, I’m sure it will help you out, so here we go.
Since I was around 7, I’ve always wanted to have a German Shepherd as a pet.
I first saw a German Shepherd at my friend’s house and since then, I couldn’t stop begging my family to get one for us.
With their strong and sturdy physique, sleek coats, and intelligent eyes…
I knew this would be a love that will last for decades to come.
But both of my parents had scary experiences with them growing up…
So no wonder they didn’t like the idea of having a dog.
But finaly, 7 years later- my family finally decided to get our first German Shepherd.
And after considering all of our options, we decided to get one from the animal shelter.
We named him Max, here’s the first picture of him we ever took:
And let me tell you – I was the happiest girl in the world when we got max.
But here’s the thing…
When my mother and I got him back from the animal shelter, our puppy was already six months old…
And some so-called “experts” deemed our 6-month-old puppy is “too old to train”…
Which immediately got our hopes down for having a well-behaved, obedient pet from our dreams.
Looking back on it now, this was the stupidest thing anyone could have told us, but more on that later.
Despite that we decided to give training Max a shot.
And, without sounding arrogant – we were damn good at it.
After just a few weeks of training, Max stopped showing aggressive behavior….
He stopped barking or jumping when any of our friends came to our house…
And stopped pulling the leash when we went out on walks.
Now let’s be completely honest right now – Max wasn’t behaving perfectly, but he was everything we’ve ever wanted in a dog.
He was loyal, obedient, and a good family member.
Not to mention he went along well with my little brother Jack.
That is until one day – everything changed.
A loud, aggressive barking noise woke us all up in the middle of the night.
As we stumbled out of bed, barely awake and trying to make sense of the chaos, we found Max in a complete rage.
He was barking aggressively, his posture was rigid, and his eyes filled with fear and terror.
It was clear that something had triggered him, but we couldn’t figure out what it was.
We tried every trick we had learned so far, but nothing seemed to calm him down.
It was a night of sheer chaos and sleepless hours.
And the problem is – the story doesn’t end there.
After that night, our problems with Max only got worse.
He started being hostile to any guests that would come over, jumping and growling at them aggressively…
He barked at, and acted aggressively around other dogs…
He was pulling on the leash every time we went on a walk…
And he even acted offensive towards Jack every time he would come in the yard…
So we knew we needed a change.
That’s why one evening, while we were sitting together at the dining table – my parents suggested the unthinkable…
“We might have to give Max away back to the animal shelter”
Mind you, I’ve been waiting for a German Shepherd for almost 10 years now. I couldn’t just let them give him away like that.
After a heated argument, my dad the words that would change my life for the rest of the days:
“You either make that dog behave, or we’re going to put him back in that animal shelter”.
While I did feel scared and frightened at that time, I knew I needed to step up.
It’s either that or saying goodbye to Max, forever.
So for the next 30 days, I browsed the internet and tried every trick and technique I could come across.
From clickers to collars – you name it. I’ve tried everything.
And I must say – 90% of the techniques I’ve tried never even worked, no matter how much effort I put in.
The other 10%?
Well, they did work. But only for a couple of days.
After that, Max would always get back to his old state – pulling the leash, being aggressive, and barking all night long waking up the neighbors.
And I’m going to be completely honest…
After a month of spinning in circles – I felt hopeless.
And I am embarrassed to say this, but I gave up.
I have come to terms with the fact that Max has to go.
And that night, before going to sleep it hit me like a ton of bricks.
My sister’s boyfriend (now husband) has been working as a police officer for a decade at that point.
Maybe he can get one of the K9 trainers to show me what I need to do to get Max to start acting like his old self again.
To keep a long story short…
One week later, I was at the police station.
I was astonished at how obedient and well-behaved German Shepherds are in there.
No leash pulling. No barking. No ignoring commands.
And most importantly – they treat those dogs with love.
That day I learned how they teach dogs to bite, chase and search on command, but the funny thing is, that is not what was the moving needle in my relationship with Max…
20 Minutes before the shift ended, I started talking to an old-looking woman sitting on a bench at the side of the training court.
I told her all about my problems, wishing someone could help me out.
And that’s when she said: “If you want to make German Shepherds listen to you – you have to talk with them in their language”
She took a small black notebook out of her pocket…
…tore one sheet of paper …
And wrote down the 9 German Shepherd “brain triggers” she learned over the years.
And if I’m going to be honest – at first I was skeptical.
“The German Shepherd Brain Triggers”? It just sounded weird to me.
But I was desperate.
This was my last hope…
If these techniques don’t work, we’re going to have to put Max back into the animal shelter.
So I went home and started using what I learned right away.
And the great part about it is – I saw an improvement in Maxs’ behavior instantly.
In fact, the change was so fast that in a week’s time, he stopped being aggressive to my little brother…
Stopped jumping on guests when they would come over…
Stopped digging in the yard…
And stopped barking in the middle of the night.
And I’m going to be completely honest…
So after sharing what I did with my dog to my friends, many of them started asking me for advice.
And, even though they were skeptical about the techniques I was using – the results spoke for themselves.
Over the years I’ve had many clients with German Shepherds and I always felt a special connection with these clients, knowing that they’re going through almost the same troubles I had.
I always felt I could bond with these people the most, and my counsel proved to be the most effective, having gone through a very similar path myself.
Because let’s face it – German Shepherds are a tough catch.
Even though they’re beautiful, intelligent creatures – it’s hard to make them behave the way you want to.
Especially when you’re not speaking their language.
But it doesn’t have to be like that. Not at all.
Personally, I was amazed at what a few simple changes in my approach have done.
But however powerful – I could still only help my clients.
And not everyone had the resources to hire me for private consultations and dog training.
And really, I was receiving countless emails and messages about German Shepherds misbehaving – all of which I knew the solution to.
But I just couldn’t help everyone. And this made me feel terrible.
That’s what got me thinking – how can I provide the same value I give to my 1 on 1 premium clients, but make it affordable to everyone?
Then it struck me.
I decided to create a step-by-step guide for German Shepherd owners, – something that would reveal absolutely everything you need to transform any GSD into the dog of your dreams even if you have no prior experience or expertise.
It had to be an easy-to-follow guide that anyone can apply to make his dog a trustworthy and loving family member.
It had to be very revealing so you get a new understanding and the full, real picture of German Shepherds…
And after a lot of thinking and planing – I came up with a solution.
So without any further ado, I present to you…
DISCLAIMER: “German Shepherd Secrets” is a digital product. The image above is for visualization purposes only.
My German Shepherd Secrets is a one-of-a-kind, step-by-step guide revealing everything you need to know (and more) to get your German Shepherd to behave like a “Good boy/girl”.
Here’s just some of what you’ll learn inside German Shepherd Secrets:
And much, much more!
But don’t just take my word for it.
These are just some of the emails I receive every day…
But that’s not all…
Besides German Shepherd Secrets, I’ve decided to give you another 3 AMAZING bonuses, 100% FREE of charge…
When you decide to order your copy today, you’ll be getting THE entire package — everything you ever wanted to know about German Shepherds, and then some.
Let me show you these 3 amazing bonuses…
DISCLAIMER: “How To Manage German Shepherd Biting And Barking” is a digital product. The image above is for visualization purposes only.
With this bonus guide, you’ll discover everything you need to manage and deal with german shepherd barking and biting.
There’s a right and a wrong way to handle GSD biting and barking, and I don’t want you to be on the wrong side of your german shepherd.
Here’s just a fraction of what I’ll show you in this free bonus:
And much more more…
But that is not all…
The next bonus is especially important if you have children, or if
Since most of my clients were families with children…
I realised there’s a need for a manual that will arm you with all the knowledge you need for your to have a peaceful household with your kids and german shepherd.
And here’s a part of what you’ll discover in your copy of the German Shepherd and Children:
DISCLAIMER: “German Shepherd and Children: The Ultimate Manual” is a digital product. The image above is for visualization purposes only.
And much more more…
But I’m not stopping at that…
The next bonus is…
DISCLAIMER: “German Shepherd Aggressiveness: Taming the Beast Within” is a digital product. The image above is for visualization purposes only.
While they might be our greatest friend, it’s pretty scary when a german shepherd behaves agressively.
That’s why I made a single manual, that will answer ALL of your questions regarding german agressiveness.
Here’s a a part of what you’ll learn in it:
The total retail value of this entire package is $149.80…
But don’t worry, you won’t pay nearly as much…
You’ll receive instant access to several hundred pages of in-depth German Shepherd — and this is information you cannot find anywhere else.
First, let me ask you a question?
Do you feel like your german shepherd is worth trying?
Seriously. When we had problems with Max 10 years ago, I was 100% sure he’s worth fighting for.
And that’s why eventually – I succeeded.
You don’t want to waste your energy on something if you’re not sure it’s not fighting for.
That being said…
The reason why I created this program is because I want to help as many struggling people as possible.
And I would never want money to get in the way of love with your furry friend.
But I also know that not everyone can afford to invest several hundred dollars for my personal training and consultations.
Still, I gave my best to stack the deck in your favor with this program and make it affordable to everyone.
That’s why today I’m offering you the entire German Shepherd package (a total value of $149.80) for just a one-time payment of $37.
There are no extra charges or monthly billing. No membership fees or anything like that…
And you get immediate access to everything.
Because I want to make this program available to everyone, even broke college students or GSD moms/dads in third-world countries.
That’s why I decided to charge just a one-time, low and easy payment of $37 — for the entire program!
That’s money you’ll give on movie tickets or a dinner for two…
To get your copy of the complete German Shepherd Secrets package, with all the free bonuses, just click the ADD TO CART button below and you’ll get immediate access after checkout.
You Pay Only: $37
PLUS you get my incredible 100%, iron-clad double Money-Back Guarantee.
1. You must be completely satisfied with the German Shepherd Secrets program or I’ll promptly refund every penny back to your account — no questions asked. If you don’t find that German Shepherd Secrets is helping you, let me know within 60 days and I’ll personally rush you a full refund.
2. In the unlikely event you decide this isn’t for you, you may, of course, keep all of the reports you receive as a thank you gift for giving me a fair try. Fair enough? Right. You really have nothing to lose.
And here’s the best part: You can now get immediate access to the entire program in just 2 minutes from now.
All you have to do is click the “Add to Cart” button below to get instant access to the entire program.
You’ll be directed to a secure checkout page.
Once you complete your purchase, you’ll get directed to the download page with immediate access to the program.
My German Shepherd Secrets program comes in PDF format, so whether you’re on a computer, tablet or smartphone… whether you’re in Tokyo, London or New York, whether it’s 3 am or 3 pm – you could start learning in 5 minutes from now.
You Pay Only: $37
However you decide today, I wish you success and hope that my advice and German Shepherd Secrets will prove as valuable to you as it has to thousands of others just like you.
See you soon “on the inside,”
Your Friend and Fellow German Shepherd Mom,
Zara Hawkins
P.S. You basically get 4 things (German Shepherd Secrets + 3 free Bonus guides) for the price of just 1.
P.P.S. Don’t forget, your purchase is 100% risk-free, backed by my 60-day money back guarantee. No questions asked. So you have nothing to lose. You can give it a try and see how it works for you.
Click “Add To Cart” now and get instant access to the complete German Shepherd Secrets package.
You Pay Only: $37
How do I know if it works for me?
Of course, I cannot guarantee every single word of advice from German Shepherd Secrets will work for you. But some will. Each situation is unique.
What you can do is study him with an open mind, and give it a fair try. If you do not learn valuable things about your German Shepherd — I’ve got your back. You’re covered by my 60-day, full money-back guarantee. Plus, you get to keep your copy of the program. No questions asked.
What’s your privacy policy?
All your information is 100% secure, safe and private with me. I will never share, sell, rent or disclose your information with anyone. Any email you send me can be read only exclusively by me.
How do I know if your 60-day guarantee works?
It’s quite simple — I want to remove all risk for you. So if you’re not completely satisfied with your purchase, you can cancel within 60 days and you’ll get all your money back.
How do I access once I purchase?
Once you completely your purchase, you will receive instant access to download all the files in convenient PDF/digital format. You can study the guides on any smartphone, on your computer or tablet. You can Save the files to your devices, or re-access them anytime in the future. In case you need any technical help, please get in touch with me at and I’ll get back to you within 24 hours (often sooner).
Click “Add To Cart” now and get instant access to the complete German Shepherd Secrets package.
You Pay Only: $37